THE COBALT PROGRAM – EXECUTIVE COACHING & CORPORATE TRAINING: Individual coaching and team building through workshops and trainings to create effective and fulfilling work environments. What will it take to get your company to the next level? How do you engage employees, empower executives to foster multi-level collaboration, and create a satisfying and effective company culture for all?

Programs, Trainings and Workshops Offered:

  • Cultivating Leadership
  • Women in Leadership
  • Navigating Difficult Conversations
  • Negotiations & Hearing No
  • Vision Building & Goal Setting
  • Time Management, Efficiency, and Productivity
  • Staying Human in your Managerial Role
  • Using Emotional Intelligence to Create Impact & Maintain Results
  • Taking it Personally: Conscious Decision Making
  • Leverage Listening Skills while Giving and Receiving Feedback


*COBALT is essential to making red blood cells in the human body. The hemoglobin in red blood cells carries oxygen that we breath in throughout the body, and it delivers carbon dioxide back to the lungs which we dispose of through exhale. Cobalt also maintains the human nervous system.